Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, our world has changed in more ways than one. In fact, social distancing guidelines, stay-at-home orders, and face coverings are just a few of the measures being implemented in the name of infection control. While research is still being conducted on the novel Coronavirus, experts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have remained adamant that frequent, thorough hand hygiene is crucial to flattening the curve. Therefore, your dentist in Gramercy Park is taking their already high standards to the next level by implementing additional sanitation measures to keep their hands germ-free. Curious what they are? Read on!
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Hands Up! Ways Your Dental Team Keeps Their Hands Clean During COVID-19
July 4, 2020
Why Do I Need to Use a Mouthrinse at the Dentist?
June 30, 2020
Coronavirus has changed your life in many ways over the last several weeks. From wearing masks to spending more time at home, your life is looking different. Your dental care isn’t an exception. In fact, your dentist in Gramercy Park has implemented several changes to help combat the spread of COVID-19. Besides revamping their disinfecting standards and wearing personal protective equipment, your dentist will also ask you to use a special mouthrinse before your appointment. The goal isn’t minty fresh breath. Instead, it’s a small step for a cleaner mouth to keep your dental team safe.
Patients are the Priority: How Dental Practices Are Keeping You Safe from COVID-19
May 13, 2020
You’ve taken every precaution to keep yourself healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic. From social distancing and quarantining to practicing excellent hand hygiene, your safety has been your top priority. Now that dental practices have started to reopen, your safety is their top priority too. There is nothing “business as usual” about how offices are responding to the pandemic. Your dentist in Gramercy Park is going the extra mile to keep their patients safe and healthy.
Stepping Up Your Game: Building Excellent Oral Hygiene at Home
April 8, 2020
With so many people working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic, now is the perfect time to better your oral hygiene habits. Without the hustle and bustle of a regular schedule, you can reevaluate and focus on your oral health and perhaps even rekindle some practices that have fallen by the wayside. Your dentist in Gramercy Park has some tips to supplement your daily oral hygiene regimen and bring your dental health to the next level.
Learn Why Porcelain Veneers in Gramercy Park Are a Good Investment
March 16, 2019
You’ve heard excellent things about porcelain veneers in Gramercy Park, but you don’t know if they’re a good right for you. You desperately want a shining, beautiful smile, but is it worth the cost? You try to convince yourself that the gap between your two front teeth isn’t that noticeable, but the second you look in the mirror, it’s the first thing you see. If you’re contemplating the idea of having a cosmetic dentistry procedure, but are on the fence about cost, discover why porcelain veneers are, in fact, a great investment.
Which Foods to Eat and Which to Avoid After Teeth Whitening in Gramercy Park
March 9, 2019
You just had your teeth whitened, and you want to ensure they stay bright and shiny for a long while, right? Well, you might be surprised to know there are foods that are perfectly fine to eat as well as some you should absolutely avoid. You don’t want to sabotage your teeth whitening in Gramercy Park, do you? Take a look to find out which foods can shorten the lifespan of your newer, whiter teeth, and which ones can keep your pearly whites sparkling.
A New Lease on Life with Dental Implants in Gramercy Park!
February 15, 2019
You’ve been living without your teeth, but you don’t have to settle for the inconveniences and lost confidence that come along with tooth loss. With dental implants in Gramercy Park, you now have a way to have your smile and functionality restored. Before committing, though, you’d like to know more about the procedure. Read on for an in-depth breakdown of each stage!
Dentures and Dental Implants In Gramercy Park Both Have Their Own Benefits
January 5, 2019
Did you know that an estimated 40 million Americans have lost all their teeth? Although tooth loss affects every area of your life, the good news is that you have more choices for restoring your smile than ever before. And, while everyone wants the best option for replacing their teeth, what’s right for one person may not be right for another. So how do you decide between dentures and dental implants in Gramercy Park? Keep reading for a comparison of the pros and cons of each choice to help you make the best decision!
Will Anyone Know That I Have Dental Implants in Gramercy Park?
December 21, 2018
Lots of people want to know more about the benefits of dental implants in Gramercy Park. A common concern they have is whether others will be able to tell that they have implants. The answer is no. Dental implants are indistinguishable from healthy natural teeth. The only way anyone can tell that you have implants is by running an x-ray test on your jaw.
Teeth More Sensitive In the Winter? A Dentist in Gramercy Park Explains More
December 12, 2018
Winter can be a tough season. Dry skin, chapped lips, and even the wintertime blues affect many people. But another surprising challenge people deal with is increased teeth sensitivity, which might seem insignificant but can really impact you on a daily basis! Fortunately, there are some easy ways to alleviate it so you can get through the winter without thinking about your teeth every day. Keep reading to find out why sensitivity increases in the cold weather and what you can do about it!