Top 4 Reasons to Soak Your Dentures Overnight

January 18, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drnewman @ 11:44 pm
soaking dentures overnight in a glass cup

It’s nighttime and you’re all ready to get your beauty sleep. Just as you crawl into bed, you realize you haven’t taken out your dentures. You might be tempted to wave it off for later, but what if you knew what really happens when you soak them? Read on to learn the top four reasons for soaking dentures overnight. 


Have a Bad Taste in Your Mouth? Here’s Why

January 6, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drnewman @ 6:05 pm
man with bad taste in mouth in New York

You want to go spend time with friends all around Manhattan, but something always bothers you. Throughout the day, you wonder: why is there always a bad taste in my mouth? You’re not sure if it’s something you ate, or you didn’t brush your teeth well enough. The bitter taste persists no matter what and you want to know why. You’re in luck! Your local New York dentist can provide you some insight on this chronic issue.
